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Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Own Sunday

31 October 2010

Today is Sunday, the only day that I can rest and enjoy my day. Alhamdulillah, I had already finished my part with The Green Initiative (TGI) program. There was a closing ceremony for TGI last week. I feel a bit relief. Then, what’s next? Moving on, I will proceed with another program – English Reading program. After receiving the approval letter from Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri tomorrow, insyaAllah my team and I will proceed with the marketing (promotion) of the program to primary and secondary schools in Kuantan. Even though we are in the middle of exam week, by hook or by crook we have to continue with the preparation of the program. Luckily I just have three exam papers for this semester. So, I can focus for both – exam and program. This is the moment when I really need to manage my time properly. So far, four of us (including my lecturer and her PA) had finished our proposal and letters for the program. Actually, I had planned to celebrate my Hari Raya Aidiladha in Kuantan because of this program. However, I could not make it since my dear mum insisted me to go back home. She really wants me to be at home on that day. At last, I promised her to go back so that everyone will be happy. Maybe I will just spend two or three days at home before coming back to Kuantan. After the program, another agenda will follow. It will be my younger sister’s convocation. Right after my program, I will go back home, doing my packing and traveling to Shah Alam with my family for the event. I hope everything will go smoothly as I planned. After all those agenda had finished, I really want to have my own rest and do whatever I like… From now on, I will tell myself to hold on and be patient first. The day will come soon…

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Like or Love?

Like or love? Is there a difference? Hmm, I never thought about it before until a question comes from a friend of mine. It makes me starting to ponder. What is the difference ya? Then, as I looked through the dictionary to relieve my curiosity, I found that there is a slightly difference between ‘them’. Like can be defined as something that is liked; a preference, whereas love is a deep and tender feeling of affection for, attachment or devotion to a person; a feeling of brotherhood and good will toward other people.

In my opinion, like is our preference towards someone or something that we feel good to be with. On the other hand, love is a deep feeling inside our heart towards someone special such as our God, family, spouse or maybe a good friend. If we say that we like or love something, the meaning is almost the same. However, if we claim that we like or love someone, it will be totally different. Why is that so? I think it is because love involves our feeling, and it involves human emotion. Usually, loving someone means that you like he/she, but liking someone does not guarantee that you love him/her. That’s how like and love are different.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

10 Kaedah Seni Kehidupan yang Bahagia

Menurut Dr. Dicks, seorang pakar psikologi berbangsa Amerika, “Kehidupan yang bahagia adalah seni keindahan yang memiliki 10 kaedah”:

  1. Melakukan pekerjaan yang anda sukai. Jika pekerjaan yang disukai itu sukar diperoleh, maka isikanlah hobi anda pada saat-saat terluang.
  2. Perhatikan kesihatan fizikal anda, kerana kesihatan fizikal adalah jiwa kebahagiaan.
  3. Harus memiliki tujuan dalam hidup, kerana itu yang membuatnya bersemangat.
  4. Menjalani kehidupan apa adanya dan menerima baik yang manis mahupun yang pahit dengan hati yang lapang.
  5. Hayati hidup yang sedang dijalani.
  6. Hendaklah selalu berfikir dalam kerja dan mengambil keputusan.
  7. Sentiasalah memandang orang yang berada di bawah anda.
  8. Biasakanlah diri anda untuk murah dengan senyuman, berjiwa periang dan berteman dengan orang yang optimis.
  9. Membantu orang lain dalam kebahagiaan agar mendapatkan harumnya kebahagiaan darinya.
  10. Pergunakanlah pelbagai kesempatan yang cerah lagi indah dan anggaplah itu sebagai terminal yang sangat penting untuk kebahagiaan.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nikmat yang Dilupakan

Pagi ini saya bangun dengan kepala yang ‘ringan’ dan segar setelah tidur hampir 10 jam semalam. Sudah lama rasanya tidak menikmati tidur yang begitu lama. Sakit kepala dan mata yang teruk semalam membuatkan saya tidak punya pilihan melainkan memejamkan mata dan tidur sahaja.

Sepanjang semester ini, saya sering mengeluh dengan masa yang tidak cukup dan pelbagai perkara yang menguji diri saya. Kesibukan yang saya lalui setiap hari membuatkan saya hampir terlupa kepada nikmat yang Allah berikan. Setelah hilang satu nikmat (lapang), petang semalam satu lagi nikmat ditarik oleh-Nya – nikmat sihat. Benarlah kata orang, ‘kesihatan itu ibarat mahkota yang berada di atas kepala orang sihat dan hanya orang sakit sahaja yang dapat melihat mahkota itu’. kesakitan semalam telah membuatkan saya tersedar daripada ‘mimpi’. Alhamdulillah, kesakitan semalam juga telah mengingatkan saya tentang nikmat yang saya sering terlupa. Terima kasih Ya Allah!

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,

“Dua kenikmatan yang sering membuat manusia tertipu ialah sihat dan waktu kosong.” (Riwayat Bukhari dari Ibnu Abbas)

~Ingat 5 Sebelum 5 ~
Lapang sebelum sempit.
Sihat sebelum sakit.
Kaya sebelum miskin.
Muda sebelum tua.
Hidup sebelum mati.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jangan buat 'peace' lagi..

Hari ni saya nak kongsikan sesuatu dengan anda - tentang tanda 'peace' yang kita selalu buat bila bergambar. Artikel ini saya peroleh semasa mengikuti satu program di sebuah sekolah. Mengapa kita tak boleh buat 'peace' bila bergambar ya? Untuk maklumat yang lebih lanjut, jom baca artikel di bawah ini..


Jangan tunjuk ‘Peace’ kerana…

Simbol ini berasal daripada syaitan yang diamalkan semasa upacara keagamaan Yahudi. Simbol ini telah digunakan oleh Yasser Arafat (Bekas Presiden Palestin), Richard Nixon (Bekas Presiden Amerika) dan Winston Churchil (Bekas Presiden Amerika).

Lambang kedamaian pada tangan sebenarnya ialah symbol gerakan Illuminati. Tanda “v” mempunyai pelbagai sejarah. V (tanda tangan) ialah tanda huruf Roman yang bermaksud 5 dan Adam Weishaupt menggunakan simbol ini dalam gerakan rahsianya iaitu Illuminati (pertubuhan Yahudi). Ahli-ahli Illuminati akan menggunakan simbol ini sebagai tanda “Law of Fives” (hukum Lima).

Dalam tulisan Yahudi, huruf V (Van) bermaksud ‘Nail’ (Kuku). The Nail ialah salah satu tanda rahsia syaitan yang digunakan dalam upacara penyembahan berhala. Syaitan ingin membiarkan kita tahu bahawa itu ialah tanda kegemarannya. Anton Lavey, pengasas Church of Satan (Gereja Syaitan), menggunakan simbol PEACE sebagai latar belakang mimbar upacara penyembahannya. Salah seorang penyelidik menegaskan, simbol PEACE adalah daripada simbol kumpulan Yahudi yang anti Kristian (anti-Christ). Mereka mengambil salib kristian, mematahkannya ke atas dan menterbalikkannya ke bawah. Tanda 3 palang yang menghala ke bawah membawa maksud: Past (Palang kanan), Present (Palang tengah) dan Future (Palang kiri).


Astaghfirullah.. Saya sendiri pun pernah buat 'peace' bila bergambar. InsyaAllah, lepas dah tahu hal ni saya akan cuba elakkannya. Wallahua'lam.

Friday, October 15, 2010

School Corporal Punishment

Ahmad, who is a ten year old child, is active and intelligent in school. He enjoyed every moment he spent during school hours. He loved going to school for learning new things and having a lot of friends around him. One morning, he was overslept and missing his bus to school. Consequently, he reached school late. When he was entering his classroom, his teacher asked him to submit his homework for the previous lesson. Surprisingly, Ahmad found that he did not do his homework at home. He apologized to the teacher for his fault because really forgot that he had homework to be done. Unfortunately, his teacher became angry to hear that and slapped him across the face. Because of the strong slap, Ahmad got bleeding and was sent to the hospital. After going through a medical check-up, the doctor said that Ahmad got internal injury and may lose his left hearing. As his parents learnt his bad condition, they lodged a police report to the nearest police station and the teacher had been arrested for further investigation. Even though his parents had made a report regarding the case, they realize that it would not give back their son’s hearing. The incident left the emotional and physical marks to his life. This situation is one of the effects of corporal punishment in school that is always debated by parents and teachers.

What is corporal punishment actually? Referring to Encyclopedia Britannica, corporal punishment is defined as “the physical disciplining of children in the schools and at home”. Corporal punishment could be separated in three which are parental (or domestic), school and judicial. According to Wapedia, school corporal punishment is an official punishment that involves spanking the school students in an intended school ceremony. The punishment is usually done by using a rattan cane, wooden paddle or leather strap, either across the buttock or on the palm of hand. However, the school corporal punishment should be carried out only with certain conditions determined by the ministry. Ikhtisas Circular Letter, number 7/2003 stated:
Regulation 6:
Headmaster of a school may from time to time, subject to any conditions and what he thinks fit, delegate authority school discipline and the power to judge other teachers in school or to students who set him for the purpose of, but unless the above is not one teacher or student may exercise that power except with the specific instructions.

Suzieana Uda Nagu (2004) reported that The Education Ordinance 1957 allowed corporal punishment to be done in school involving schoolboys only. However, this ordinance was revised since parents had expressed their disagreement about this issue. Yet, this issue is still being discussed by the ministry either to continue with it or not. There are some people who argued that corporal punishment should be continued in school as it is a quick fix to the disciplinary problem. They claimed that students can immediately catch up their lesson in class after being punished by teachers instead of being suspended from school. On the contrary, others feel that corporal punishment should not be implemented in school because it will lead to physical abuse to the students. While others may strongly disagree, I believe that corporal punishment should not be implemented in school because it is ineffective, detrimental and abusive.

First of all, corporal punishment should not be implemented in school because it is an ineffective corrective measure. Admittedly, corporal punishment will be a quick fix in schools in order to make the students stop from what they are doing. Students can easily going back to their classroom lesson after receiving physical punishment from teachers. From this situation, we can say that corporal punishment provides a save time formula instead of students having school suspension for several days that will absolutely affect the students’ lesson in school. However, does corporal punishment will ensure disciplinary and behavioral progression among students?

In the words of a Journal Adolescent Health (1992), there is no positive effect developed through punishing students physically. Students who had been penalized for their misbehavior never show that their obedience and moral characters are improving. Usually we can see this situation in school whenever students had been punished by their teacher some may feel afraid to repeat their mistake again. Conversely, they are some students who always doing the same mistake or even doing another offence that would make them being punished by teachers often. This kind of students is consistently being labeled as problematic students in school. They ignored any advice or warning from their teachers and did anything they love to. This circumstance shows that punishing students is not a guarantee to make the students’ attitude become better.

Caning, as one of corporal punishment method is always being practiced in Malaysian schools especially for secondary schools. Chiam (2004) mentioned that even though caning is a quick fix, it does not solve the underlying problem. Besides, Dr D. Sinniah (1993) claimed that there is no proof to suggest that corporal punishment can develop students’ learning ability. A method of hitting and spanking does not guarantee to produce a better person in terms of discipline, behavior, moral character as well as academic. It is just a reward for problematic students which will make them feeling scared to do mistakes in public. But, unconsciously these students will become more wild and rebellious to their own feeling because of punishment that they had faced through. At the end, corporal punishment will become a cause of leading to another new problem instead of solving the previous problem. From this fact, I believe that corporal punishment is not the only correct and effective method to be used in schools.

Another reason against corporal punishment in school is corporal punishment may be detrimental to students. As all we know, school corporal punishment involves spanking the students who had committed offence in front of other students and teachers in school. For one thing, teachers can be considered as second parents at school. Thus, it is the responsibility of teachers to educate and teach students in school as well as to correct students’ misbehavior during learning process. Unhappily, there are some teachers who had misused their power by hitting students excessively which may cause serious injury involving students’ physical. As a result, it becomes worst for students when teachers carry out the punishment emotionally as it will make them terribly suffering for pain.

Besides physical injuries, corporal punishment is also affects students emotion. For instance, when students had been punished by teachers in front of people, they will get angry and feel humiliated. Meanwhile, the students who watched the punishment became fear. Consequently, the students will feel disrespectful and lose their trust to the teachers and school. Professor Judith (Tee Shiao Eek, 2008) mentioned that negative discipline causes continuous violence in future. She said that as students are being punished when doing a mistake; it shows that violence is acceptable and okay for a stronger to hit a weaker. Accordingly, students learn that they can use violence whenever they think it is suitable to be applied. This circumstance shows that corporal punishment gives the bad impact for students physically and emotionally.

Likewise, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative to Malaysia Mr. Youssouf Oomar (2008) felt that corporal punishment should be stopped in school in order to prevent a cycle of violence from continuing. The World Report that was conducted through five years of serious conference recommends that physically punishing children in school will make children become depressed or aggressive as well as they may not become as usual as other children to instill moral values. He also added that corporal punishment lessens students’ capacity to react to reason. In addition, corporal punishment will produce anti-social, depressed and aggressive people who may lead to unreasonable cost of social and health problem in our future. From his statements, it could not be denied that corporal punishment will not only affect the students’ mental and physical body but it also demands for social illness in future. Thus, it is noted that corporal punishment will be detrimental to students’ physical, emotion and future life.

Of course, teachers should give lesson to their students for every mistake they had done in order to teach them to be a better person. If not, the students’ misbehavior will spread and become hard to restrain. The National Union of the Teaching Profession secretary-general, Lok Yim Pheng (2006) claimed that it is still relevant to practice corporal punishment in school for the hyper-stubborn students. He added that there are several students who are difficult to handle and always breaking school rules. He thought that only harsh punishment is suitable to control these kinds of students in school. He also stated that corporal punishment is intended to teach students, and it is accepted since it is not done publicly. Thus, there should not be worry of any negative effect of school corporal punishment since the punishment will be doing in a special room, only by the responsible teachers such as school principals or disciplinary teachers. Furthermore, the Ministry had supplied the guideline on the correct way in disciplining students in schools and all schools should adhere to the regulations.

Wee Ka Siong (Agence France-Presse, 2009) told that corporal punishment in school should be allowed as a precaution to control the students’ misbehavior in school. According to him, students nowadays are too inventive in breaking the school rules and corporal punishment is the best choice in controlling them. He also included that the corporal punishment will be held in a mannered way by notifying the parents of delinquent to witness the caning and meting out by the person who has been authorized to execute the punishment. The caning also will be done in a confined area. Therefore, the delinquent will not feel ashamed and humiliated because of the corporal punishment.

Yes, it such an ease for conducting corporal punishment since every schools have been provided by the guidelines. However, do you think that every school will go after the rules that had been determined by the ministry? How will it become if the teachers and schools are just ignoring the rules and guidelines? Thus, the last reason for opposing corporal punishment in school is it may become abusive to the students if the schools and teachers are not following the guidelines. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (2004) reported that about seven per cent of the girls from 5754 students who took part in a survey admitted being caned by their teachers in schools. This incident should not be happened in school since it has been stated in the law that caning is permissible only for schoolboys. It indicates that the schools as well as the teachers are not really stick to the disciplinary guideline that has been provided to them.

There is a time when teachers cannot control their emotion while carrying out the punishment and this will lead to the physical abuse to the students. As a result, the students will become the victim of teachers’ anger. And finally, the corporal punishment may happen to be a teachers’ platform in abusing and releasing anger to students, unlike to educate the students in the first place. It seems that corporal punishment is unfair for the students. The teachers who suppose to be their educator and responsible individual to mould the students’ attitude will be the one who practice violence in school. Youssouf Oomar (2008) pointed out that the students who experienced violence have slight positive value as they become to vacate from academic quest and lose their interest towards success. It is a waste for students who become lack of motivation in striving for their future due to their experienced of being abused by teachers in school.

Frederick C. Green (1988) and UNICEF (2008) believed that corporal punishment in school may become a form of child abuse and violence to students. They agreed that the core of school corporal punishment involves the cause of pain and ends with the students feeling humiliated. The negative effects of corporal punishment have never been shown to improve the students’ attitude but to worsen their condition and can be labeled as child abuse towards children. Based on the Society for Adolescent Medicine (1992), students would have lower self-esteem, overstated guilt feelings, and experienced the symptoms of anxiety as a result of being abused or become the witnesses of abuse. In addition, the students who are being abused will become injured and avoiding them to go to school for days, weeks or even months. For that reason, corporal punishment is abusive and may become a waste of time for students.

It is stated in Glorious Qur’an about the reminder to act with wisdom and fair with people. Referring to The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an (2001) in Surah al-Nahl, verse 125, “Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way.” This verse encourages us to educate and call people to the right path with wisdom, fair and better way. In my opinion in term of educating students in school, it is essential for us to give lesson to them in a positive way so that it will be easy for them to reason and follow the good things. It is quite a shame for teachers who always promote their students to become a better person, not to use violence in school and give respect to other people if the teachers are the one who demonstrate violence by practicing the corporal punishment in school.

On the other hand, I think the positive award is a better way in educating students in school. There are many methods can be used to demonstrate the positive reinforcement to students such as giving them a responsibility for every mistake they have done. For instance, if the students are being caught for vandalizing the school’s property they may be punished by giving them responsibility to repair the property in a determined time. Another example is asking the students who littering in school compound to clean the whole school compound as a penalty for their mistake. When students are being taught about the responsibility of their own action, they will learn that it is a must for everyone to receive any affect of their own mistake. Consequently, they will learn the positive values while completing the responsibilities that have been assigned to them.

The examples above describe how important for students to learn positive values in order to instill the positive manners in themselves. It is a must for the adults or teachers to practice and show the positive attitudes so that the students can be easily follow, since students learn more on what they observe every day. It is illustrated such as teaching a teenager to drive a car. The instructor will just sitting by the teenager’s side and watching as well as giving instruction on the correct way to drive the car. When the teenager drives the car carelessly, both of them will get involved in a road accident. So, the instructor has to teach the teenager slowly and demonstrate the easy and right way so that the teenager can easily follow.

As a conclusion, I believe that corporal punishment should not be implemented in school because of ineffective, detrimental and abusive. It is important for teacher to note that students learn more from their mistakes. Promoting a positive situation in the class lesson is one of the alternatives for corporal punishment. Teachers have to be patient in educating their students so that the students can learn in the correct and better way.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Masa oh Masa

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar di rumah. Malam ini bolehlah saya pulang ke Kuantan dengan sedikit lega. Fuh… Penat sungguh rasanya. Penat dihambat makhluk yang bernama masa. Ajaib sungguh makhluk ini. Setiap orang pasti memilikinya dengan kuantiti yang sama – 24 jam sehari. (Erm, ada ke yang memperolehi masa 24 jam setengah atau 24.75 jam sehari? Hehe, pandai-pandai la jawab sendiri ye.) Tapi yang peliknya saya terasa masa yang saya ada setiap hari amatlah terhad. Sampaikan tak sempat untuk buat perkara-perkara ‘extra’ untuk diri sendiri.

Bila ditanya oleh mak sebab saya tak buat itu dan ini, jawapan saya yang paling senang ialah, “ Tak sempat mak. Nak baca doa tidur pun tak sempat, mata pejam dulu mulut masih kumat-kamit baca doa, inikan pula nak ‘spend time’ untuk perkara seperti itu”. “Ish ish…,” itu kata mak sambil menggelengkan kepala. Hairan mak dengan anak dia yang asyik dengan aduan tak cukup masa sepanjang semester ni. Hmmm, bukan mak saja yang pelik, saya juga pelik dengan diri saya sendiri.

Sepatutnya semester akhir merupakan semester yang paling mudah, ringan dan lapang. Tapi lain pula dengan saya. Semester ini ialah semester yang paling menguji saya. Ujian dan tugasan yang datang bak peluru berpandu. Tak sempat nak tepis kalau setakat sabar dan iman yang senipis kulit bawang ini. Sudahnya, saya terdampar keletihan pabila tenaga yang dibekalkan habis terpakai. Biar penat, biar lelah. Tapi, saya masih tak mahu mengalah lagi. Cuba buat sehabis daya biarpun kadang-kadang emosi tergugat ketika berurusan dengan orang lain. Rasa nak menangis tu memang ada kalau dah penat sangat dengan pelbagai perkara. Tapi saya teruskan juga, biarpun jalan pun kadang-kadang dah tak berapa betul – asyik tersepak itu ini dan tersungkur kat tangga. Degil jugak saya ni kan?

Saya cuba mengoreksi diri. Mencari punca dan akar umbi masalah saya ini. Yang pasti, saya ada dua jawapan untuk persoalan saya sekarang. Pertama, saya sememangnya perlukan kepada pengurusan masa yang betul. Walaupun sudah ada ‘planner’ untuk perkara yang perlu dibuat setiap hari, namun ia masih belum mencukupi. Saya perlu belajar menguruskan masa dengan betul. Perlu tahu membezakan perkara yang paling penting dan yang penting dalam hidup. Saya sudah tahu akan hal ini, tapi kalau semua perkara itu dalam dalam satu masa, terpaksa juga saya selesaikan semuanya sekaligus. Ataupun, barangkali juga saya perlu belajar untuk buat ‘back-up plan’ lain kali.

Masalah kedua, saya rasa saya perlu belajar untuk berkata ‘tidak’. Saya sedar akan hal ini dan sedang cuba untuk memperelokkannya dari semasa ke semasa. Kemahiran berkata ‘tidak’ ini bukanlah demi kepentingan diri semata-mata, tapi juga untuk orang lain. Cuba anda bayangkan, jika anda diberi lima tanggungjawab untuk dilaksanakan dalam masa beberapa hari, adakah anda mampu untuk melaksanakannya? Tepuk dada, tanya selera! Jika anda mampu, anda boleh teruskan. Jika tidak, usahlah anda seksa diri anda dan juga orang lain. Jika anda tidak mampu tetapi masih berkata ‘ya’, anda akan mendapat salah satu daripada akibat berikut: sama ada anda menderita (kerana berhempas pulas untuk menyiapkan tugasan yang diterima) atau orang lain menderita (atas rasa tidak bertanggungjawab anda yang menerima tugasan dengan membuta tuli lalu tidak berdaya menyempurnakannya). Jadi, tepuk dada, tanyalah iman!

“Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian – kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran.” (Al-‘Asr: 1-3)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hindarilah Kegelisahan dan Kemarahan

Barangsiapa yang takut mendaki gunung yang tinggi, nescaya dia akan hidup selamanya di antara galian yang dalam.

Ada yang berkata, “Ketika aku berumur antara dua puluh tahun dan tiga puluh tahun aku selalu mencari musuh, tidak puas dan merosak segala macam benda, padahal saat itu hidupku berlimpahan dengan kesenangan. Aku tidak menghiraukan kebahagiaanku dan aku tidak tahu bahawa aku bahagia. Sekarang, ketika aku berumur enam puluh tahun, baru aku menyedari sepenuhnya bahawa hari-hari itu adalah hari bahagia untukku. Namun, perkara itu sudah terlambat dan kini hanya tinggal kenangan. Kenangan yang benar-benar memilukan.

Seandainya aku menyedari perkara tersebut pada saatnya, tentulah hidupku penuh dengan kegembiraan yang besar dan pastilah aku tidak pernah mengenal apa ertinya keluhan atau rasa tidak puas saat usiaku berada di puncak zaman mudaku yang begitu ceria. Aku juga pasti tidak akan menutupi kebahagiaanku yang sedang mekar itu, yang hanya baru dapat kurasakan saat sekarang, usiaku sudah lanjut.”

Oleh itu, aku sarankan kepada pembaca yang budiman: “Nikmatilah kebahagiaanmu dalam hidup ini dengan semangat. Biarkan pancaindera-pancainderamu menikmati bunga-bunga yang mekar di hadapanmu. Lupakanlah semuanya dan janganlah anda lihat sudut yang menampilkan kelemahan anda, sehingga anda menjadi mangsa bagi keadaan yang penuh dengan keluhan dan ketidakpuasan.

Kalau anda tetap bersikap menunggu sehingga masa sekarang yang penuh kebahagiaan itu menjadi masa lalu, anda akan menangisinya dengan air mata. Anda akan melihat, betapa bahagianya dirimu pada saat itu. Akan tetapi, anda,saat itu, tidak dapat merasakannya dan tidak dapat melihatnya dan tiada lain yang ada di hadapananda sesudah segalanya berlalu, kecuali hanya penyesalan dan kesedihan yang anda reguk di penghujung usia anda yang sudah lanjut”.

Jauhkanlah pemikiran anda daripada keputusasaan dan lupakan keberadaannya. Pusatkan perhatian anda pada kejayaan, sehingga pada keadaan yang demikian, anda tidak mungkin akan gusar.

Oleh: Dr. ‘Aidh bin ‘Abdullah Al-Qarni

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


“Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and go where your heart takes you”. The phrase gives a deep meaning for me. Admittedly, in our real lives there is always a time when we shall not depend on our logic. Instead, we have to follow our instinct that comes from our heart.

That’s what I’m doing now. Last Monday, I’ve attended my friends’ convocation. After thinking and considering about the consequence of missing a class, I made a decision to attend the ceremony. I think it was once in a life time and I don’t want to be the one who miss it. My friends and I are very close since there are only eight of us in a batch and we are all girls group. Four of us graduate earlier because of the different minor course that they took.

Our friendship began in 2005 during our study in the Matriculation Centre. Since then, we built a good relationship and saw the world from different points of view. And of course along our journey in the university, there was situation when we fought and felt disappointed among us, but it didn’t break our friendship except it made our relationship stronger than before. We learnt from the pass mistakes and got to know one another better. Therefore, it is my pleasure to celebrate their graduation day and spend the momentous day with them.

There is no excuse for me to not going back home when talking about mum and my family. It is my responsibility as an elder child to ensure that everything will be running smoothly at home. I also have to consider about others’ feeling before making any decision. At first, I thought that I may not return home since there is a lot of work needed to be attended. It is not easy for me to make a decision in a crucial time. I have to consider all possibilities that may occur for each decision. Going back home means that I have to settle all my tasks within this week – collecting money for The Green Initiative (TGI) merchandise, collecting data for research, confirming about TGI merchandise and the sale during IIUM Kuantan Open Day (IKOD), finishing my task as an assistant as well as an invigilator for IIUM Mathematics Competition (IMC), and also to carry out the field trip as a requirement of a subject for this semester.

A friend of mine said that I need not to worry about all those things as she can help me out but I don’t want to give any burden to her until I really need a help. As for now, I’ll try to finish all the tasks as soon as possible so that I’ll be able to go back home without problems in my head. If I need a helping hand, maybe I'll just ask or assign my friends to look after TGI booth during IKOD that will start on this Friday and finish on Sunday. One more thing, I may have to miss another one more class next week which will be on Tuesday morning. I think I’ll talk to my lecturer tomorrow about my absenteeism so that he will consider it and can lend his hand with the topic that I’ll miss. I hope everything will be okay and going smoothly, insyaAllah…

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rileks… Jangan terlalu serius!

Jangan bebankan badan anda.
Apabila badan kita bekerja, otot-otot menegang dan menjadi keras. Lihatlah muka orang yang sedang memberi tumpuan kepada sesuatu. Mata dan dahinya berkerut, mulutnya akan dimuncungkan sedikit, dan kelihatan begitu tegang sekali. Begitu juga ketika anda menaip; otot-otot bahu, lengan, dada dan jari akan bekerja dan menegang semasa bekerja.

Itu tidak menjadi masalah. Yang menjadi masalah ialah, anda membiarkan diri anda sentiasa berada dalam keadaan itu! Maksudnya, walaupun dalam keadaan tidak bekerja sekalipun, anda masih lagi “menegangkan” otot-otot badan anda.

Tabiat dan kebiasaan ini akan menyebabkan badan anda sentiasa tegang dan stres.

Bersantailah ketika rehat dan bekerja.
Memang benar semasa bekerja otot tubuh kita akan menegang. Tetapi sebenarnya, anda masih lagi boleh rileks semasa bekerja. Elakkan ketegangan yang berlebihan, dan selang selikan dengan regangan badan yang sistematik.

Selain itu, kawal minda anda dengan “skrip-skrip” positif dan santai.

Joan Dixon daripada Institut Pembangunan Kepemimpinan Wanita Amerika Syarikat sangat percaya kepada kelebihan tidak terlalu serius dalam sesuatu perkara. Beliau berkongsi prinsip ini dalam institut tersebut dan menyebutkannya sebagai nilai “hidup tanpa kebimbangan”.

Rakan-rakan yang mengikuti bengkel anjurannya diajak untuk hidup dengan tenang dan bersantai. Dengan demikian, ia dapat “membuang” ancaman dan memberikan kebebasan berfikir serta mencari penyelesaian. Mereka selalu berkata, “Jika tiada sesiapa yang akan mati, perkara tersebut tidaklah begitu serius.”

Buat sesuatu yang gila-gila.
Ada satu petua menarik bagaimana untuk bersantai di tempat kerja tanpa mengambil masa yang banyak. Ia dikongsi oleh Eileen Douse daripada syarikat Human Dynamics. Petua ini dinamakan “Waktu Gila-gila”.

Apabila anda sudah lama duduk di hadapan komputer anda akan terasa tegang dan tertekan dan anda tidak ada banyak masa untuk berehat. Dalam keadaan sebegini, “Waktu Gila-gila” mungkin berguna.

Bagaimana caranya? Senang sahaja. Berhenti daripada melakukan apa sahaja yang anda sedang buat. Tolak kerusi agar jauh sedikit daripada meja. Kemudian, pusingkan kerusi anda sehingga berpusing laju. Biarkan selama 30 saat. Selepas itu – sambung semula kerja anda! Senang bukan?

(Tip ini hanya sesuai untuk kerusi yang boleh berpusing. Jika kerusi anda tidak boleh berpusing, tetapi dicuba juga; ia dinamakan “waktu gila”).

Oleh: Ahmad Fadzli Yusuf.

Matematik dan Al-Quran

Assalamualaikum. Sebelum ni saya ada kongsikan tentang pecahan dan mengaitkannya dengan al-Quran dalam post Fractions in Daily Life  ....