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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Math Anxiety

What is math-anxiety? Math-anxiety has been defined as the feeling of tension, helplessness, mental disorganization and dread one has when required to manipulate numbers and shapes and the solving of mathematical problems. It also described as involving strong feelings of fear and apprehension when faced with the possibility of dealing with a math problem.

There are many factors which may contribute to math-anxiety:

  • Trigger events in education.
  • Lack of support.
  • Lack of consideration of different learning style.
  • Timed test (forget the needed math concept).
  • Teachers with math anxiety pass it along to their students.
  • Teachers / the school system also may be a negative influence.

As a conclusion, learning math must be fun and joy. So, there are several steps can be taken as prevention of math anxiety:

  • Designing positive experiences in math classes.
  • Teaching methods must be re-examined.
  • Emphasizing the importance of original, quality thinking rather than rote manipulation of formulas.
  • Ask questions; be determined to ‘understand the math’ .Don’t settle for anything less during instruction. Ask for clear illustrations and or demonstrations or simulations.
  • Lessons must be presented in a variety of ways.
  • Math needs to be relevant to everyday lives.
  • Practice regularly, especially when you’re having difficulty.
  • Don’t just read over your notes-do the math. Practice the math and make sure you can honestly state that you understand what you are doing.
  • Be persistent and don't over emphasize the fact that we all make mistakes. Remember, some of the most powerful learning stems from making a mistake.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kisah Monyet

Situasi 1:

Seekor monyet sedang berehat-rehat di atas sepohon kelapa. Angin bayu petang yang bertiup lembut melenakan si monyet dan akhirnya membuatkan si monyet terus hanyut dibuai mimpi. Si monyet terus leka dengan mimpinya sehinggakan tanpa disedari , dia terjatuh daripada pokok tersebut.

Situasi 2:

Si monyet sedang berehat dia atas sepohon pokok. Tiba-tiba angin taufan datang dengan kuat sekali. Si monyet yang terkejut dengan keadaan itu terus mencapai dahan pokok dan berpaut dengan sekuat hati. Setelah taufan mula reda, si monyet pun turut daripada pokok itu dengan selamat.


Si monyet yang merasa selesa dan leka dengan hembusan angin lembut itu akhirnya telah terjatuh daripada pokok, manakala taufan yang datang menyerang si monyet telah membuatkannya sentiasa berjaga-jaga dan berusaha keras agar keselamatannya terjamin. Begitu juga halnya dengan manusia. Apabila berada dalam 'comfort zone', manusia mudah lupa akan Tuhannya. Manusia mudah leka dengan kesenangan dan nikmat dunia. Namun, apabila diuji dan ditimpakan dengan kesusahan dan cubaan manusia akan kembali kepada Tuhannya. Kesusahan yang dilalui akan membuatkan manusia mengingati Penciptanya semula.

"Apabila Allah ingin memberi sesuatu kebaikan kepada hamba-Nya, Dia akan menimpakan hamba-Nya dengan cubaan."

( Al-Bukhari)

Ujian Allah itu tanda Allah sayangkan kita. Dia menguji hamba-Nya sebagai peringatan, agar hamba-Nya tidak terus leka dan hanyut dibuai arus dunia. Wallahu’alam.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Que Sera Sera

Sunday, 21 November 2010.

Alhamdulillah, I’ve arrived at the university this morning. There are some matters need to be clarified and fixed here. From what my friend has told me, it’s not easy to discuss any problem about it. Our suggestion and complaint will be seen as an objection or negative thinking towards the program. We are trying to do the best actually. Since our intention and effort was misinterpreted, I don’t know what to do now. I need courage, wise and patience to face it. Then, I’ll try to talk and prepare for any risks caused by my own self. Que sera sera, what will be will be…

~ Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst ~

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kecewa & Doa

Assalamualaikum w.b.t…

Apa yang anda rasa apabila anda telah mencurahkan seluruh usaha, masa dan tenaga untuk sesuatu, tetapi akhirnya hasil yang anda peroleh kurang memuaskan, mengecewakan dan tidak dihargai? Sudah tentu perasaan letih, penat, kecewa dan putus asa akan muncul waktu itu. Rasa penat kerana usaha dan masa yang dikorbankan terasa tidak setimpal dengan hasil. Rasa sedih, kecewa dan putus asa kerana tenaga yang telah dihabiskan terasa tidak berbaloi dengan apa yang anda harapkan. Lain yang dipinta, lain pula yang dapat.

Saya pernah terbaca kata-kata ini, “Allah tidak memberi apa yang kita inginkan, tetapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan”. Ingatlah, sesuatu yang berlaku itu pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Mungkin kita belum nampak lagi hikmahnya sekarang. Doa kita belum lagi dimakbulkan Allah mungkin kerana masanya belum sesuai. Ada tiga cara Allah perkenankan doa hamba-Nya:
  • Allah memakbulkan doa hamba-Nya secara terus.
  • Allah lambat memakbulkan doa kerana ingin menguji hamba-Nya.
  • Allah tidak memakbulkan doa tersebut kerana Dia ada sesuatu yang lebih baik buat kita.

Jadi, sentiasalah berbaik sangka dengan Allah. Dia lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat hamba-Nya. Teruslah berusaha dan berdoa. Kemudian, bertawakkallah kepada-Nya.

“Dan bila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepada engkau tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat, Aku memperkenankan permintaan orang yang meminta, apabila dia meminta kepada-Ku. Sebab itu, perkenankanlah seruan-Ku dan berimanlah kepada-Ku, supaya mereka berjalan lurus”.
(Al-Baqarah: 186)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ibrah daripada Ikan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
Apa khabar iman? Moga-moga iman kita masih sihat, insyaAllah. Saya tertarik untuk berkongsi satu analogi yang saya temui dalam sebuah buku. Jom kita lihat!

“Ikan di laut tidak masin, walaupun air laut di sekelilingnya masin. Tapi apabila ikan yang sama dinaikkan ke laut, disiang dan dibersihkan, secubit garam pun sudah mampu untuk memasinkannya.”

Hmm, ada sesuatu yang tersirat di sebalik analogi tersebut.
Apa bezanya ikan di laut dan ikan di darat ya?

Ikan di laut masih hidup. Ikan di darat telah mati. Begitulah kita kalau hati kita hidup, kita tidak akan dipengaruhi. Tapi bila hati kita mati, kita mudah dipengaruhi…

Bagaimana hati boleh hidup? Bagaimana pula hati boleh mati?

Antara faktor matinya hati itu kerana 3 perkara:
  • Cintakan dunia.
  • Lalai daripada zikrullah.
  • Banyak makan dan mendekatkan diri dengan maksiat.
Manakala, hidupnya hati kerana 3 perkara:
  • Zuhud dengan dunia.
  • Zikrullah.
  • Bersahabat dengan orang-orang soleh.

Hati amat sukar untuk dijaga. Sifat hati itu sendiri – mudah dibolak-balik membuatkan kita kadangkala tidak sedar yang hati kita sedang sakit..

“Ketahuilah bahawa di dalam jasad manusia ada seketul daging, jika baik maka baiklah seluruh anggota dan jika rosak maka rosaklah seluruh anggota. Ketahuilah bahawa daging itu ialah hati.” (HR Bukhari & Muslim).

Berdasarkan hadis tersebut, jelaslah bahawa hati merupakan anggota yang paling penting dalam diri seseorang. Hatilah yang menentukan peribadi seseorang individu. Maka, hati ini mestilah dijaga dengan sebaik-baiknya agar tidak mudah dicemari oleh unsur-unsur negatif. Hal ini kerana setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan akan mempengaruhi kejernihan hati itu sendiri.

Perkara itu digambarkan melalui hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya. Jika dia tidak bertaubat maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam." (HR Ibnu Majah).

Hitamnya hati merupakan petanda akan matinya hati. Nauzubillah... Bagaimana untuk menjaga hati? Di sinilah fungsi iman seseorang. Iman berperanan untuk menjaga hati. Karakter iman pula adalah selalu naik dan turun. Jadi, iman diibaratkan seperti pakaian. Iman perlu sentiasa diperbaharui.

Antara cara untuk memperbaharui/menguatkan iman:
  • Menuntut ilmu (+ pengetahuan, + iman).
  • Semak tadabbur al-Quran.
  • Zikir dan fikir.
  • Lakukan ibadah dengan pelbagai cara.
  • Mengingati mati.
  • Tidak berangan-angan kosong.
  • Bermunajat kepada Allah dan pasrah kepada-Nya.
  • Tawadhuk (rendah hati).
  • Muhasabah diri dan doa.

Pesan Imam Ghazali, “Carilah hatimu di tiga tempat… Temui hatimu sewaktu membaca Al Quran. Tetapi jika tidak kau temui, carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika tidak kau temui juga, kau carilah hatimu ketika duduk tafakkur mengingati mati. Jika kau tidak temui juga, maka berdoalah kepada Allah, pinta hati yang baru kerana hakikatnya pada ketika itu kau tidak mempunyai hati!”

Ya Muqollibal Qulub, thabbit qulubana ‘ala dinik wa ‘ala to’atik…
(Wahai Pemilik Hati, tetapkanlah hati kami di atas agama-Mu dan ketaatan kepada-Mu )…

Nota: Sekadar perkongsian di samping peringatan buat diri sendiri.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thinking Styles in the Qur’an

The Qur’an is Allah’s word which was revealed to His Last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be conveyed and communicated to all humankind. Thus, it is not surprising to find that the Qur’an uses a variety of thinking styles. Every style is carefully and effectively used to fulfill certain objectives. These styles of thinking are used to widen the scope of human perception in order to have a better understanding of the message and to live a better life in this world. They may also be taken as means for communicating the message to people with different cognitive preferences.

Some of thinking styles used by the Qur’an are as follows:
1) Inquisitive thinking style

- Asking questions is one of the most effective tools in teaching and learning since it leads to the development of new connections in the brain’s neural network which, in turn, leads to new ideas and concepts.

- Thought provoking questions can be noted as a general phenomenon in the Qur’an to invoke people to think. More than one thousand two hundred questions can be found in the Qur’an.

- There are three types of questions raised by the Qur’an in term of their answers: the first, questions where the answer is given to provide new information. The second, questions where the answer is clear and obvious to every reader, hence the objective is to remind or to affirm facts. The third type is where the answer is not given as it requires thinking and reflection to arrive at the answer.

- Examples of various purposes for which questions are raised in the Qur’an:

i. Affirming belief: (Al-A’raf: 172); (Fatir: 3).

ii. Creating certainty: (Al-Baqarah: 258).

iii. Disapproving: (Al-Baqarah: 28); (Yunus: 59); (Al-Saffat: 95).

iv. Scolding the transgressors: (Al-Mulk: 8); (An-Nisa’: 97).

v. Glorifying Allah: (Al-Baqarah: 255).

vi. To show disbelievers crying in grief on the Day of Judgment: (Al-Kahf: 49).

vii. Believing the disbelievers for their false claims: (Al-Isra’: 40).

viii. Raising doubts about false beliefs that lead astray: (Yunus: 35).

ix. Propitiating: (Al-A’raf: 155).

x. Cautioning mankind to past human history: (Fatir: 44).

xi. Consoling and comforting Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H): (Yunus: 42).

xii. Cautioning the reader: (Al-Thuur: 35).

2) Objective thinking style

- Objectivity means expressing claims and judgments based on proofs and evidence, based on certainty and not on doubt or conjecture to avoid bias, personal interests, or whims in forming opinions and giving judgments.

- Hence, the objective style of thinking in the Qur’an can be divided into various aspects as follows:

i. Seeking evidence to prove a claim: (Al-Baqarah: 111); (Al-Anbiya’: 24).

ii. Warning us not to rely on conjecture: (Yunus: 36); (Al-Najm: 23).

iii. Condemning al-Hawa or warning us not to be misled by our desires, personal interests, prejudices and other forms of bias, as the element of al-Hawa can be found in all these human characteristics: (An-Nisa’: 135); (Al-Jathiyah:23).

iv. Condemning blind following and fanaticism even in ‘Ibadah: (Al-Ma’idah: 104); (Al-Ahzab: 66-67).

3) Positive thinking style

- Islam has a lot to contribute towards positive thinking in the Qur’an.

- The positive style can be divided into the following aspects:

i. Not to lose hope in Allah’s mercy: (Yusuf: 87); (An-Nahl: 56).

ii. To have hope and trust in Allah’s guidance and help: (Ali Imran: 154).

iii. The concept of reliance (Tawakkal) upon Allah: (Al-Ma’idah: 23); (Ali Imran: 159).

iv. The concept of “al-Qadar” if taken in its correct interpretation by making the required effort and then submitting to Allah’s will: (Al-Hadid: 22-23).

4) Hypothetical thinking style

- This style of thinking aims at increasing human intellect by exposing it to Truth.

- Some verses from the Qur’an regarding this style of thinking are as listed:

i. (Al-Thuur: 35-36).

ii. (Al-Saffat: 24).

iii. (Al-An’am: 76-78).

5) Rational thinking style

- Rational can be literally defined as “having the faculty of reasoning, endowed with the reason, exercising one’s reason in a proper manner, and having sound judgment.

- Rational also means agreeable to reason, not foolish, absurd or extravagant.

- The Qur’an used the rational style of thinking in the following areas:

i. Proving and affirming the existence of Allah, His Oneness, His attributes and that He is the only one that deserves to be worshipped: (Al-Anbiya’: 22).

ii. Proving and affirming the Day of Judgment: (Al-Rum: 27); (Al-Qiyamah: 3-5).

iii. Attacking the faulty reasoning of those who deny the existence of Allah, and the hereafter, and refuting their arguments and misconceptions: (Al-Thuur: 35-36).

6) Reflective/ Contemplative thinking style

- The Qur’an draws the attention of mankind to reflect upon the creation of the universe: the sky, the stars, the sea, the natural phenomena such as day and night, the wind, the rain etc.

- This reflection leads to:

i. Appreciation of Allah’s creation: (Al-Baqarah: 164).

ii. Self-tranquility.

iii. Remembrance of Allah.

iv. Reminding the thinker of his “obligations” and the necessity to fulfill them.

v. Observing, noting, and exploring the universe. This leads to discovering and governing laws of the universe, which has been made subservient to mankind in order to cultivate the earth and establish civilization.

- Some of the objectives of Reflective Thinking can be listed as:

i. To prove that the Qur’an is a revealed book from the Almighty Allah.

ii. To remind the believers that victory should be sought from Allah.

iii. To engrain belief on the Day of Judgment.

iv. To reactivate the natural disposition (innate nature).

v. To emphasize the Oneness of Allah and that He alone deserves to be worshipped.

7) Visual thinking style

- Visual thinking is the ability to think and communicate in images.

- This style of thinking provokes our imagination through the way those situations are described in the Qur’an.

- Among the verses that talk about this are listed below:

i. In describing horrible moments of the Day of Judgment: (Al-Hajj: 1-2).

ii. To describe the misconduct of disbelievers towards the message of Allah by rejecting its guidance: (Al-Muddathir: 50-51); (Al-Hajj: 11).

iii. To touch the hearts and feelings of the recite or listener, the Qur’an adds life to solid things such as natural phenomena, Hellfire, etc: (Al-A’raf: 54); (Al-Mulk: 7-8).

8) Metaphorical thinking style

- A metaphor is described as “a figure of speech using analogy or close comparison between two things that are not normally treated as if they had anything in common. The metaphor is a common means of extending the uses and references of words.”

- Therefore, the word refers to the comparison of two terms on the basis of similarity. According to one Western author, a metaphor “is a device for seeing something in terms of something else.”

- The purpose of using this type of thinking style can be classified as follows:

i. Stressing and affirming the Oneness of Allah: (Al-Zumar: 29).

ii. Proving something which is beyond the reach of human perception such as resurrection: (Fussilat: 39).

iii. Encouraging and promoting good deeds: (Al-Baqarah: 261).

iv. Discouraging evil acts by making them appear ugly in the sight of humankind: (Al-‘Ankabut: 41); (Al-Jumu’ah: 5).

v. Warning us not to be misled by our life’s materialistic temptations: (Al-Hadid: 20).

vi. Comparing the status of those who are guided with thise who are misguided: (Al-An’am: 122); (Had: 24).

vii. Glorifying Allah and His great attributes: (Al-Nur: 35).

9) Analogical thinking style

- This style uses similes in order to indicate similarity of characteristics common between the two things.

- Some verses which relate to this style of thinking in the Qur’an are as follows:

i. In discouraging polytheism, hypocrisy, and disbelief by revealing the consequences of their deeds in the Hereafter: (Al-Nur: 39).

ii. Comparison of good words: (Ibrahim: 24-25).

iii. Comparison between faith and ignorance: (Saba’: 19-21).

10) Emotional thinking style

- Emotional thinking (also known as empathetic thinking) refers to the care or mercy of Allah towards His ‘Ibad.

- Among the verses that direct to this type of thinking are listed below:

i. (Al-Nisa’: 27). In this verse, Allah encourages His ‘Ibad to be on the track of guidance instead of following their lust.

ii. (Al-Zumar: 53). This verse describes Allah’s mercy to His servants who are rebellious.

iii. (Al-Baqarah: 186). This verse shows Allah’s mercy towards His servants when they call upon Him.

11) Perceptual thinking style

- This style is related to the human’s perception about the world around him.

- The Qur’an is revealed to establish new perceptions about some matters, and to change the human perception already existing, regarding other matters.

- The Qur’anic verses that used this style are as follows:

i. (Al-Baqarah: 216); (Al-Nisa’: 19); (Al-Nur: 11).

ii. (Al-Baqarah: 179).

iii. (Al-Hujurat: 13).

iv. (Al-Munafiqun: 4).

12) Conceptual thinking style

- This style of thinking can be divided into two categories which are conceptual expansion and conceptual combination.

- Conceptual expansion refers to constructing, stretching, extending, modifying, and refining concepts to fit new situations and thus creating new meanings.

i. The concept of “worship” was confined to mere “religious ritual acts” and to religious good deeds related to the spiritual aspect of Islam alone. Islam came to extend the meaning of the term to include all the actions that please Allah. Its notion was stretched to transcend the spiritual dimension and enter other new dimensions.

ii. Helping the needy, acts that contribute to the betterment of the Ummah, educating others, and mastering professions are all considered forms of worship that deserve reward, provided they are done with good intention and for the sake of Allah’s pleasure.

iii. Fasting, literally, meant to refrain from something. Islam gave it a new meaning, that is, to refrain from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse and its related activities from sunrise until sunset during the month of Ramadhan.

iv. The same thing can be said of obligatory charity (zakah), pilgrimage (Hajj) and other forms of worship.

- On the other hand, conceptual combination refers to the combination of two concepts together to produce a new idea or meaning where a non-existent concept is brought into being. It is one of the basic processes that can produce a creative outcome and is a source of conceptual change and growth.

- Some verses regarding this style of thinking are as follows:

i. (Ali Imran: 103). This verse contains the conceptual style of thinking where it cited the concept of “Habl Allah”. It is through this verse, that Allah urges all Muslims to hold fast to the bond of Allah.

ii. (Al-A’raf: 26); (Al-Baqarah: 197). The concept of Al-Taqwa was cited in these verses to indicate that the garment of God-consciousness is the best of all provisions rather than human provision. It is also to broaden the human concept.

13) Intuitive thinking style

- This style has to do with the insight and inspiration that Allah bestows on the Muslims.

- It is only those who use their reason and intellect in the right manner, enlightened and inspired by Allah’s revelation that can have this insight and inspiration.

- Some of the Qur’anic verses relating to this style are as follows:

i. (Ta-Ha: 96).

ii. (Yusuf: 108).

iii. (Al-Qasas:7).

14) Scientific thinking style

- The Qur’an enhances the thinking ability of man in matters of natural sciences so as to enable him to realize and recognize the greatness of Allah as The Creator and to utilize as well as to develop the findings resulting from the exercise of such thinking, for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

- Some verses regarding this style of thinking are as follows:

i. (Fussilat: 11).

ii. (Al-Anbiya’: 30).

iii. (Al-Ra’d: 2).

iv. (Al-Su’ara: 7.

15) Wishful thinking style

- Wishful thinking is defined as holding wishes that are definitely impossible to come true.

- The Qur’an uses this style of thinking in many ways:

i. To show the extreme grievance and regret of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgment: (An-Nisa’: 42); (Fussilat: 29).

ii. Promoting good: (Al-Munafiqun: 10).

iii. In describing the wishful thinking of certain people concerning their hope to live longer than others: (Al-Baqarah: 96).

Source: Creative Thinking An Islamic Perspective (Second Edition) by Jamal Badi & Mustapha Tajdin.

Note: I typed this note with the intention of reading it, so that I will not become sleepy while studying for the exam.. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rapuhnya Aku

Rasa sedih tatkala mendengar bait-bait lagu Rapuh nyanyian Opick. Terasa sekali bagai ada sesuatu yang mengusik jiwa tentang lagu ini. Aku terus mengulang-ulang lagu tersebut dan akhirnya tertulis jua apa yang terbuku di hati…

Rapuhnya aku..
Mudah melatah bila diuji
Mudah merintih bila disakiti
Mudah goyah bila diasak

Rapuhnya aku..
Mudah mengharapkan sesuatu yang payah
Tetapi payah untuk mengusahakan sesuatu yang mudah
Seringkali alpa tika emosi merajai diri

Rapuhnya aku..
Selalu mengharapkan ujian yang ringan
Tetapi aku sering lupa bahawa
Iman yang berat itu lebih utama

~ Usahlah meminta diringankan ujian, tetapi mohonlah agar diberatkan iman… Usahlah risau akan pandangan manusia terhadapmu, tetapi bimbanglah akan pandangan Allah terhadapmu… Hiduplah dengan cinta Pencipta, bukan mendamba pada cinta ciptaan Pencipta… Hiduplah kerana cinta-Nya, kerana hanya dengan cinta-Nya kau bakal menemui cinta orang yang mencintaimu kerana mencintai-Nya! ~

Matematik dan Al-Quran

Assalamualaikum. Sebelum ni saya ada kongsikan tentang pecahan dan mengaitkannya dengan al-Quran dalam post Fractions in Daily Life  ....