In our life, we often use fractions to represent parts of a whole. Do you realize that? Okay, let’s look at examples of fractions that we use in our daily life:
- If you walk down a street, you probably would get a third of the way before you stop at a junction. After all, the walk down the street is a fraction: 1/3.
- Another example is when you buy a birthday cake. Then, you have to divide the cake among twelve of your friends. It means that, each one of your friends will get a fraction of the cake: 1/12.
- You use fractions every time you look at a clock: quarter past (1/4) and half past (1/2). In fact, all time telling fractions of x/60.
- The next example is when you want to make a drink, let say a glass of orange. You probably will mix one part of orange cordial with 4 parts of plain water. Thus, the fractions involve are: 1/5 of cordial and 4/5 of plain water.
- Lastly, fractions also can be found in any recipes: half cup of milk, ¼ teaspoon of baking powder and so forth.
- I also found a Quranic verse which states about fractions.
“And unto you belongeth a half of that which your wives leave, if they have no child; but if they have a child then unto you the fourth of that which they leave after any legacy thay may have bequeathed, or debt (they may have contracted, hath been paid). And unto them belongeth the fourth of that which ye have no child, but if ye have a child then the eighth of that which ye leave, after any legacy ye may have bequeathed, or debt…”
(an-Nisa’: 12)
very informative page . i dont know how can i relate fraction with holy verses but now i know thanks alot .
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, thanks for your comment. Hope it benefits you! :)
Deletethis was very helpful now I finished my project
DeleteAlhamdulillah :)
Deletethis was so helpful to me in completing my work .
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, I'm glad to hear that this article helps you :)
DeleteSince you are discussing about the division of fraction which is to invert the divisor fraction before proceeding to multiplication process. I will introduce fraction solver from https://www.fractioncalc.com which I used to check the result when I am done dividing fraction.
ReplyDeleteUsing some application to solve fraction problems may speed up the whole calculation time.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. This writing is about the application fractions in daily life, as it may help teachers to introduce fractions to their primary school students, so that they could see how they use fractions in their life.
DeleteThis verse highlights the inheritance laws set by Allah (SWT) in Islam, ensuring fairness and equity between spouses after one passes away. It outlines the specific share each partner is entitled to, depending on whether or not children are involved, and takes into account any debts or legacies owed. These laws emphasize justice, care, and the protection of the family unit, ensuring that each individual receives their rightful share while maintaining a balance between the needs of the surviving family members.
ReplyDeleteTo gain further clarity and spiritual guidance on matters related to inheritance and other aspects of life, reciting dua e masura is highly beneficial. This supplication asks for Allah’s mercy and wisdom, helping us navigate life’s complexities and uphold His commands with sincerity and understanding.