Everything happens with its own reasons. In our life, there is always a situation where we have to choose or make a decision on our own at our own risk. It just like when we play chess – thinking so hard, generating ideas and strategies to win the game, making decisions carefully, taking the steps/actions and always be ready for any risks that come afterwards. It so happens in our real life. We are the players in the game of life. We are responsible for every action that we took and we have to be realistic in thinking, planning, deciding and facing anything that comes in the middle of the game.
It is not easy to become a player in the game of life. Bear in mind that there are rules and regulations in every game that we play. Chess, Scrabble, Sudoku, Monopoly and so forth have their own rules to play. In our real life, before taking any step or decision, ensure that the decision will not against the rules that have been set by the creator of the game – our God (Allah). Imagine that you are driving a car on a road. After driving for several kilometers, suddenly the lines which separate your lane and the opposite lane disappear. Of course you can still drive on your lane but are you still confident that your car will never meet or across the mid line? That’s why there are rules in Islam. The function of rules is to set the limit for human so that our life can be controlled and well managed.
...................................to be continued................................
P/s: I’m still thinking to move for the next step in the game of my life. Oo Allah, please guide me…